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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Language Production - Speaking, Four stages are Formulating the sentence structure, 3 kinds of errors are Sound errors, Speaking has a Social context, A theory for speech errors is similar to Parallel distributed processing approach, Speaking is usually studied by Psycholinguists, Speaking uses more than 100 different muscles, Social rules that underlie language can help establish Common ground, The linearization problem causes difficulty in Arranging words in an orderly linear sequence, Planning should take into consideration Social context, 3 kinds of errors are Morpheme errors, Speaking is a complex Motor skill, Prosody of an utterance is the Melody of intonation and stress, Production process is Complex, Social context i.e., Background knowledge, Four stages are Working out the gist, Planning i.e., Planning a sentence, Speaking involves selecting The passive voice, Production process requires Four stages, Psycholinguists pay the most attention to Narratives, Dell proposed 3 kinds of errors